Team Volusia EDC participated as an exhibitor at the MRO Americas 2018 show in Orlando April 10-12. MRO Americas is a business development and networking platform for airlines, OEMs, manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers to the aviation and aerospace industry. The event draws companies and attendees from around the world for the event. Team Volusia co-sponsored a booth in partnership with Enterprise Florida who held a reception at the booth during an afternoon session which gave Team Volusia an opportunity to showcase Volusia County and the Greater Daytona Region to many new companies and individuals in the aerospace and aviation industry.
Staff members also participated in prearranged meetings with companies interested in opportunities in Volusia County for either expansion of their markets or possible relocation or expansion of operations. This event has proven effective in marketing during the last two years and interest in Volusia County has been high from the prospects. Team Volusia is scheduled to exhibit at MRO Americas again in 2019 in Atlanta.