Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation (TVEDC), through tremendous commitment and partnerships, works on strategic Volusia County economic development activities and business recruitment initiatives.
Team Volusia EDC is a public/private not-for-profit corporation, founded in late 2010 whose primary mission is to market and recruit business from outside the area to Volusia County. An autonomous entity, the organization is an integral part of the economic development delivery system and works in partnership with state and county agencies, municipalities, chambers and other resource partners to achieve county-wide Volusia County economic development goals.
Team Volusia's program and services are partially funded through contracts with Volusia County and the municipalities located within the county. Additional funds are raised from our 75+ private sector companies. Every day, the organization is actively engaged regionally, nationally, and internationally to help strengthen the economic prosperity of Volusia County.
As the primary Volusia County economic development organization for recruiting high-wage jobs and capital investment to our area, TVEDC can assist business decision-makers with a wide range of services. From site location assistance to labor market research and business intelligence to facilitating community introductions, TVEDC can assist your business call The Greater Daytona Region your next home!
We're dedicated to community growth, Volusia County economic development and overall prosperity. Explore what makes us tick.
Nearly 100 companies, organizations and local governments invest in Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation. They do so because they believe in targeted, strategic Volusia County economic development to attract new employers and the jobs and capital investment they bring. Team Volusia works in partnership with Volusia County Government, the CEO Business Alliance, CareerSource Flagler/Volusia and area chambers of commerce and local economic development practitioners.
Our investor / members come from all corners of the economy including governments, colleges and universities, private companies, consultants, non-profit organizations and more. All share the vision that strategic Volusia County economic development is the foundation for a bright future for our community.